Course Code Training Course Start Date Duration Location
FIA31 Accounting information and its role in diagnosing and solving problems 07 January 2024 5 Singapore
INS28 Contractor equipment’s and Machines Insurance 07 January 2024 5 Riyadh
SP05 Planning and supervision of the sport activity 07 January 2024 5 Sharm El-Shaikh
PR53 Public Relations Skills - Institutional Communication 07 January 2024 5 Kuala Lumpur
IAP31 Production Operations Planning 07 January 2024 5 Singapore
MO30 Preparation of controls and technical standards for the operation and maintenance works 07 January 2024 5 Kuala Lumpur
LT06 Effective Purchasing, Tendering and Supplier Selection 07 January 2024 5 Riyadh
PM10 Preparatory operations management, strategic logistics & effective supply chain 07 January 2024 5 Kuala Lumpur
ALI 29 Landscaping by AutoCad 07 January 2024 5 Dammam
الموازنات والتكاليف فى قطاع البترول balancing and costs in petrol sector 07 January 2024 5 Kuala Lumpur