Analyze the structure of common attack techniques in order to evaluate an attacker’s spread through a system and network, anticipating and thwarting further attacker activity
Utilize tools and evidence to determine the kind of malware used in an attack, including rootkits, backdoors, and Trojan horses, choosing appropriate defenses and response tactics for each
Use built-in command-line tools such as Windows tasklist, wmic, and reg, as well as Linux netstat, ps, and lsof to detect an attacker’s presence on a machine
Analyze router and system ARP tables along with switch CAM tables to track an attacker’s activity through a network and identify a suspect
Use memory dumps and memory analysis tools to determine an attacker’s activities on a machine, the malware installed, and other machines the attacker used as pivot points across the network
Gain access to a target machine using Metasploit, and then detecting the artifacts and impact of exploitation through process, file, memory, and log analysis
Analyze a system to see how attackers use the malware to move files, create backdoors, and build relays through a target environment
Run the Nmap port scanner and Nessus vulnerability scanner to find openings on target systems, and apply tools such as tcpdump and netstat to detect and analyze the impact of the scanning activity
Apply the tcpdump sniffer to analyze network traffic generated by a covert backdoor to determine an attacker’s tactics
Employ the netstat and Isof tools to diagnose specific types of traffic-flooding denial-of-service techniques, and choose appropriate response actions based on each attacker’s flood technique
Analyze shell history files to find compromised machines, attacker-controlled accounts, sniffers, and backdoors
►Target Audience
Incident handlers
Leaders of incident handling teams
System administrators who are on the front lines defending their systems and responding to attacks
Other security personnel who are first responders when systems come under attack
►Course Outline
Day 1
Incident Handling Step-by-Step and Computer Crime Investigation
Building an incident response kit
Identifying your core incident response team
Instrumentation of the site and system
Signs of an incident
First steps
Chain of custody
Detecting and reacting to Insider Threats
Documentation strategies: video and audio
Containment and quarantine
Pull the network cable, switch and site
Identifying and isolating the trust model
Evaluating whether a backup is compromised
Total rebuild of the Operating System
Moving to a new architecture
Who makes the determination to return to production?
Monitoring to system
Expect an increase in attacks
Special Actions for Responding to Different Types of Incidents
Inappropriate use
Incident Record-keeping
Pre-built forms
Legal acceptability
Incident Follow-up
Lessons learned meeting
Changes in process for the future
Day 2
Computer and Network Hacker Exploits – Part 1
What does your network reveal?
Are you leaking too much information?
Using Whois lookups, ARIN, RIPE and APNIC
Domain Name System harvesting
Data gathering from job postings, websites, and government databases
Identifying publicly compromised accounts
FOCA for metadata analysis
Locating and attacking unsecure wireless LANs
War dialing with War-VOX for renegade modems and unsecure phones
Port scanning: Traditional, stealth, and blind scanning
Active and passive Operating System fingerprinting
Determining firewall filtering rules
Vulnerability scanning using Nessus and other tools
CGI scanning with Nikto
Powershell Empire
Rubber Duckie attacks to steal wireless profiles
User Behavioral Analytics
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Evasion
Foiling IDS at the network level
Foiling IDS at the application level: Exploiting the rich syntax of computer languages
Web Attack IDS evasion tactics
Bypassing IDS/IPS with TCP obfuscation techniques
Day 3
Computer and Network Hacker Exploits – Part 2
Network-Level Attacks
Session hijacking: From Telnet to SSL and SSH
Monkey-in-the-middle attacks
Passive sniffing
Gathering and Parsing Packets
Active sniffing: ARP cache poisoning and DNS injection
LLMNR poisoning
WPAD Attacks
DNS cache poisoning: Redirecting traffic on the Internet
Using and abusing Netcat, including backdoors and nasty relays
IP address spoofing variations
Operating System and Application-level Attacks
Buffer overflows in-depth
The Metasploit exploitation framework
Format string attacks
AV and application whitelisting bypass techniques
Netcat: The Attacker’s Best Friend
Transferring files, creating backdoors, and shoveling shell
Netcat relays to obscure the source of an attack
Replay attacks
Day 4
Computer and Network Hacker Exploits – Part 3
Password Cracking
Analysis of worm trends
Password cracking with John the Ripper
Rainbow Tables
Password spraying
Web Application Attacks
Account harvesting
SQL Injection: Manipulating back-end databases
Session Cloning: Grabbing other users’ web sessions
Cross-Site Scripting
Denial-of-Service Attacks
Distributed Denial of Service: Pulsing zombies and reflected attacks
Local Denial of Service
Day 5
Computer and Network Hacker Exploits – Part 4
Maintaining Access
Backdoors: Using Poison Ivy, VNC, Ghost RAT, and other popular beasts
Trojan horse backdoors: A nasty combo
Rootkits: Substituting binary executables with nasty variations
Kernel-level Rootkits: Attacking the heart of the Operating System (Rooty, Avatar, and Alureon)
Covering the Tracks
File and directory camouflage and hiding
Log file editing on Windows and Unix
Accounting entry editing: UTMP, WTMP, shell histories, etc.
Covert channels over HTTP, ICMP, TCP, and other protocols
Sniffing backdoors and how they can really mess up your investigations unless you are aware of them
Steganography: Hiding data in images, music, binaries, or any other file type
Memory analysis of an attack
Putting It All Together
Specific scenarios showing how attackers use a variety of tools together