Negotiations and negotiating techniques for the upstream oil and gas industry
Negotiations and negotiating techniques for the upstream oil and gas industry
Course Code:
Course Objective
This course provides upstream industry insight to negotiations by combining detailed knowledge of the varied negotiating situations that commonly arise in dealing with government and industry stakeholders, suppliers, service companies, joint venture partners and work force.
Will learn about the most effective negotiating techniques, strategies and tactics to apply in particular situations.
will learn practical negotiating skills and gain insight to the specific negotiating requirements of the upstream oil and gas industry.
Target Audience
This course is designed for a multi-disciplined audience from all sectors of the oil and gas industry, including both professional and support staff. Individuals from diverse commercial, technical, marketing, corporate, operations, human resources, labour, community relations, HSE, planning, financial, legal and risk management backgrounds could benefit from the content.
professionals and support staff working with or negotiating contracts and agreements or working in project teams from across the industry.
Course Outline
The negotiating process and key skills
Negotiations in the context of the oil and gas industry
The need for structured planning and clear communications
Exercise: bargaining and compromise in securing drilling resources
Harnessing cooperative, adversarial and competitive approaches
Game theory –– its relevance to some oil and gas negotiations
Exercise: prisoners’ dilemma game
Empathising with positions of other parties
Setting objectives and agendas
The importance of listening and questioning
Exercise: negotiating commercial terms of an upstream permit
Negotiating mergers, acquisition and divestments
Researching the other parties – identifying their preferences
Pitching the first offer or proposal
Exercise: Qualities required to be a good negotiator
Strategic approaches and innovative solutions
Tried and tested negotiating strategies and tactics and responses to them
Negotiations with communities; case studies Niger Delta and Queensland
Lessons to be learned from Machiavelli’s “The Prince”
Broadening the solution and enlarging the rewards
Exercise: negotiating with a disgruntled community
Negotiating strategies to achieve workable and lasting deals
Win-win solutions versus zero-sum outcomes
Zones of possible agreement (ZOPA) and bottom lines
Negotiating joint-venture operating agreements
Exercise: competitive bidding and EPC contract terms
Sole risk and non-consent options and dispute resolution
Procurement and tendering negotiation issues
Exercise: negotiating terms for a farmout deal
Negotiating power and perceptions of it
Negotiating with financial institutions to secure debt
Culture and ritual impact negotiating tactics and outcomes
Team versus individual approaches and closing deals
Team negotiations, team roles and interpersonal behaviour
Personality types and psychology can guide tactics
Communicating and understanding signals
Using body language and other non-verbal indicators
Exercise: identifying body language combinations
Posturing, manipulation and diverting attention from key issues
Exercise: negotiations in a labour dispute (management versus workforce)
Dealing with late stage surprises
Recognising and exploiting time pressure
Dealing with deadlock or threats of it
Exercise: negotiating access to midstream infrastructure
Dealing with impromptu and telephone negotiations
Closing deals and recognising how and when to do so
Exercise: negotiations between LNG supplier and buyer
Documenting and learning from previous negotiations
Benchmarking and improving performance in negotiations