provide in-depth understanding of all key issues relevant to a proper estimation of the microbiological quality of water from different sources and different uses;
equip participants with the tools needed to manage water quality effectively;
familiarise participants with the latest practical laboratory methods and techniques for the detection of indicators and pathogens in water, and
give a grounding in the function and use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in water quality management.
►Target Audience
Goververment stuff
Private company stuff which is related to water industry.
►Course Outline
Day 1
Talk 1
Brief introduction of ABI
Talk 2
Basic theory of Microbiology Analysis for water sample
Practical 1: Microbiology Analysis
Media preparation and basic microbiology techniques
Total Plate Count
Detection of E.Coli and Coliform
Detection of Salmonella
Detection of Staphyllococcus aureus
Day 2
Talk 3
Introduction of Kjeldahl method and Overview of Kjeltec 8200 for determination of nitrogen in water sample
Practical 1
Determination of Nitrogen in drinking water
Alkali solution preparation
Receiver solution preparation
Indicator solution preparation
Scrubber unit solution preparation
Practical 2
Determination of Nitrogen
Digestion of sample using FOSS Tecator Digestion System
Setting up FOSS Kjeltec Distillation Unit with solutions
Day 3
Practical 1
Enumeration of E.Coli and Coliform
Detection of Salmonella sp. (cont.)
Practical 2
Enumeration of Salmonella sp.
Detection of Staphyllococcus aureus (cont.)
Practical 3
Determination of Nitrogen
Titration of distillate
Calculation of Nitrogen and presentation of results
Day 4
Talk 3
Introduction and Overview of Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Practical 1
Determination of heavy metal and mineral
Sample preparation and digestion of sample in nitric acid with microwave digester
Preparation of calibration standard solution for ICP-MS analysis
Practical 2
Enumeration of microorganism in Total Plate Count
Enumeration of Staphyllococcus aureus
Practical 3
Determination of heavy metal and mineral
Familiarization with ICP-MS system and creating the project
Day 5
Practical 1
Determination of heavy metal and mineral
Run analysis of heavy metal and mineral using ICPMS